Chapter 13 -- Provides a procedure for eligible individuals with regular income to pay all or a portion of their debts through plan payments over an extended period. Only those portions of regular income that are not necessary to pay living expenses are used to pay claims.
Chapter 11 -- Also known as "reorganization," Chapter 11 allows time to repay your debts and propose a plan of repayment to creditors.
Consumer Law
Considered an area of public law that regulates private law relationships between individual consumers and the businesses that sell them goods and services. Consumer protection covers a wide range of topics including but not necessarily limited to product liability, privacy rights, unfair business practices, fraud, misrepresentation, and other consumer/business interactions.
Family Law
Family law encompasses the legal and emotional issues of divorce, spousal maintenance (alimony), child custody and support, domestic abuse and adoption. Consultation, mediation and, if necessary, litigation on these important personal matters requires careful representation selection.
Personal Injury
Personal injury involves injury to an individual. This area of law allows the injured person to sue in a private action called a civil action or known in the legal community as a tort action. A "tort" is a wrong against a person.
Not every accident or injury is recoverable in a court of law. Consulting a lawyer in this field will provide a basis on whether to pursue an action in court.
Traffic Law
Traffic law violations have been divided into three categories-felonies, misdemeanors, and infractions or violations-with the lesser offenses handled in a more informal manner. Based on the seriousness of the offense, conviction for a traffic violation could seriously impair your daily life. Even if your offense seems minor, such as failure to stop for a stop sign or improper passing, a conviction can lead to a significant increase in insurance rates and the violation can follow you for years.